How to install a REST API test server

This code resides in 'mojo' branch.


  1. Download code and change database information in myconfig hash variable on top of
  2. Install these two perl modules: cpanm Mojlicious XML::Simple
  3. Run application from command line: morbo

Application can now be accessed via http://localhost/


This small sample code demonstrates:

  1. How we can use entire SQL-Ledger code from SL/ folder without a single line of change.
  2. In addition to this, we can use all our user information and templates in new app without any change.
  3. Since users can use either old app or new app, transition to new code/app can be incremental.
  4. For REST api XML/JSON can be generated for any entity with a few lines of code only.
  5. For REST api XML/JSON can be pushed to app with only few lines of code, to create a new customer for example.
  6. Websockets protocol can be used to add/change data in database WITHOUT refreshing page.

This is just basic code. We will be adding more code in next few days which will not only serve for demo but also usable when we actually start building.