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Table of Contents
SQL-Ledger Know-how
* [[installation|SQL-Ledger Installation Manuals]] * [[tipsandtricks|SQL-Ledger Tricks & Tips]] * [[user_manual:user_manual|SQL-Ledger User Manual]] * [[Developer Manual|SQL-Ledger Developer Manual]]
SQL-Ledger Articles
Email, postal address and bank details
International SQL-Ledger Network Association | Grundstrasse 16b | 8712 Stäfa | Switzerland
International SQL-Ledger Network Association PostFinance | Nordring 8 | 3030 Bern | Switzerland Postal account 85-701380-2 IBAN CH09 0900 0000 8570 1380 2 SWIFT/BIC POFICHBEXXX
If you have any questions or if you want to join our network, please send your e-mail to:
knowledge.1417428320.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/09/25 06:19 (external edit)