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There is one file which contains all the processing. Pages are html files with template toolkit tokens which are called at the end of the does all the stuffing of variables with data which is then display to the user using html templates.

LedgerCart runs independent of any sql-ledger code or configuration files. It just shares the database with it.

Installation how-to

Code is available at

git clone

LedgerCart requires following cpan modules. These modules can be installed using cpan or using your package management took for your os (apt-get, yum, rpm, pkg_add, pkg-get etc.)

use CGI::Simple; use DBI; use Template; use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex); use Number::Format; use MIME::Lite; use GD::Thumbnail; use File::Basename; use Text::Markdown; use DBIx::Simple;

I have not run into any problem while installing these modules on a number of platforms.

Once the above modules are installed, you can just copy the scripts to a cgi execution enabled folder in your webserver document root and it should just start working.

ledgercart/ledgercart_installation_overview.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/25 06:21 by