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* SQL-Ledger Support Forum *

* SQL-Ledger Development Forum *

Our Nucleus Project

Our developers have begun working on a new SQL-Ledger version called Nucleus. The work is being done in cooperation with an external parter and the basic concept is to create a simplified SQL-Ledger version with only general ledger entry mode and financial accounting reports.

Read more about the Nucleus Project

SQL-Ledger REST API Project

A team of Network members have started working on a project to launch a new SQL-Ledger REST API feature.

Read more

We will keep you updated!

Python script to extract specific columns from a .csv file

Our Network member Maik Wagner had an SQL-Ledger assignment for a customer who needed to regularly do some imports from a specific .csv file.

Maik was kind enough to share and contribute his knowledge:

Read more

Thanks for contributing, Maik!

Ansible Installation Script for SQL-Ledger

Our Network members have worked together to develop this Ansible installation script that will install the SQL-Ledger 'Run my Accounts' community version on Linux Debian 9 (Stretch).

Check it out - it's simply genius!

Thanks for sharing, Axel and Tekki!

Docker Build for SQL-Ledger

Daniel Binggeli has released a dockerfile to build a SQL-Ledger container image which can be linked to other containers. It will install Postgres and Apache2 and all the necessary packages for SQL-Ledger:

Check it out - it's really cool!

Thanks for sharing, Daniel!

SQL-Ledger User Guide

Get your own copy for free!

Register yourself here on the International SQL-Ledger Network Association website and we will send you a PDF copy of our SQL-Ledger User Manual (227 pages) for free.

First Edition - SQL-Ledger User Guide

What is SQL-Ledger?

SQL-Ledger is an Open Source double entry Accounting Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Software System. SQL-Ledger is Free Software, it was first developed by Dieter Simader (DWS Systems Inc.) and published under the GNU General Public License in 1999.

Watch the video below to see SQL-Ledger and its intergrated Webshop solution LedgerCart in action.

SQL-Ledger Know-how

Useful SQL-Ledger Links

Members Area

start.1668164167.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/09/25 06:20 (external edit)