Check total amount in acc_trans table
select sum(amount) from acc_trans;
Show transactions with > 0.005 rounding difference
select trans_id, sum(amount) from acc_trans where transdate between '2015-01-01 00:00' and '2016-01-01' group by trans_id having sum(amount) > 0.005;
Show transactions with > -0.005 rounding difference
select trans_id, sum(amount) from acc_trans where transdate between '2015-01-01 00:00' and '2016-01-01' group by trans_id having sum(amount) < -0.005
Check total debit amount in acc_trans table
select sum(amount) from acc_trans where amount > 0;
Check total credit amount in acc_trans table (should be the same as debit amount)
select sum(amount) from acc_trans where amount <= 0;
Only run this on backup database for testing:
update acc_trans set amount = round(amount::numeric,2);
unbalanced_acc_trans.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/25 06:21 by